Monday, July 6, 2009

Top 5 Olympic Inspired Exercises

The Olympic Games are just around the corner and to celebrate we take a look at some quirky competitive sports and show you how to use them and get results! Don’t be shy ladies, get your game face on, have fun and get fit and toned…

1. Synchronized Swimming
OK, it seems a little silly, but synchronised swimming is a lot harder than it looks, and a great way to tone up those legs! Grab a friend and come up with a basic routine on dry land, then hit the pools and work on your timing. You’ll find that the goal of getting it perfect will keep you working for hours and the test of balance will improve muscle strength and general posture!

2. Gymnastics – Trampoline
Gymnastics are a huge part of the Olympics, but for everyday people, the trampoline is the easiest event to master and incorporate into your exercise routine. If you don’t own a trampoline, hunt one out at your local gym or just raid your neighbour’s backyard while their kids are at school. The trampoline can be used as a warm-up or a full work out, depending on how long you train for. Simply jumping will get your heart racing, but once you get the confidence; kicks, star jumps, and eventually flips are all possible. Plus you can always just jump around for fun!

3. Beach Volleyball
Beach volleyball is a fantastic team sport which requires endurance, stamina and a whole lot of confidence! Once you get into this one you’ll find there’s more too beach volleyball then babes and bikinis. It’s great working out on the beach and getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D. Of course remember to keep hydrated and wear sunscreen. Summer’s nearly here ladies, so get a team together now!
4. Weightlifting
The most important thing to remember with this sport is to start slow. Weightlifting is best attempted under the guidance of a trainer, and when in the right hands you will find yourself on the fast track to fabulous toned arms! And hey, no one’s going to mess with you looking that staunch!

5. Mountain Biking
Getting back to nature is good for the mind and body, so add a little adrenalin to your day and hit the mountain bike trail. Cycling is a great way to work your body’s muscles and improve fitness. Mountain biking is perfect for experienced riders looking to push themselves or beginners giving it a go.

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