Friday, December 17, 2010

Denise Austin, My Abs Hate You...

Ugg!! I personally am NOT a fan of crunches. Seriously, who is?? If someone tells you they do 500 crunches a day, run away immediately. Because they are insane. Anyways, anything but crunches, please! I'm always looking for an ab workout that doesn't include 'em. Aren't many, BTW. But, I am a big fan of my fitness ball, which I got with a Denise Austin: Hit the Spot Core Complete DVD (found in Parade section of Sunday paper for FREE+$4.95S/H.. watch that section, I've gotten 3 South Beach book for the same deal!)

The 18 minute full-body routine on this DVD is awesome! (After about 20 minutes, I lose my focus anyways!) Every move engages your abs (love it), and they all focus more than one muscle group at a time. which feels great! (abs hate it lol!) It also has 4 other sections, but the full-body is my fave 18 minute way to torture (I mean sculpt) my abs. And because I'm a glutton for punishment and a tough Personal Trainer, I use 5# weights instead of the little hand weights she uses. Plus, I warm-up with a mini-power walk, and some jumping jacks.

So, try this one out, or try out a fitness ball. I'm a fan due to the versatility & effectiveness. Watch your posture, do moves slowly, and keep those abs tight. You'll thank me. (your abs won't.)

Happy fitness!

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